Normas para publicação

17 de fevereiro de 2016



Editorial Line: The Revista de Direito Empresarial – RDEmp is intended to entrepreneurs, students and professionals of Law and Economics. It aims to ensure the broad dissemination of the most current and contemporary doctrinal thinking regarding the business sector, either nationally or internationally, addressing various relevant issues from a legal aspect and economical and useful for everyday professional practice.

Indexed in various research institutions, it was reclassified by CAPES (Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination) to “B1” concept. Its edition is quarterly, with renewed Editorial Board, whose members are national and international teachers.


1. Academic Education and linking to research projects: It is required that at least one of the authors of the article is an integral of a graduate program with doctoral degree. It is not necessary, however, that the doctorate is in the juridical field. If the item is associated with the current research project, the project should be indicated, the financial institution and the public notice number (if any), in a footnote after the indication of the title.


2. Formatting: Papers subjected to double blind review, must be unpublished and sent in a MS Word file. The font is Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5, and justified paragraph. Pages must be numbered and set in Letter format. Papers must have a maximum of 20 pages, references and illustrations (tables, graphs, etc.) included. Papers must be reviewed beforehand and the language used must be appropriate to a scientific publication and comply with the new spelling rules.


3. Cover sheets: The first cover must include the title in Portuguese (UPPERCASE, bold,
Times New Roman, size 14, centred paragraph) and in English, Italian, French or Spanish
(lowercase, capitalized words, italic, Times New Roman, size 12, centred paragraph). The title must not exceed 12 words, being sufficiently specific and descriptive. The name(s) of the author(s) must come after the title in English, with a specification in a footnote of the
following: the institution to which the author (s) is linked, city, country and email. The
abstract in Portuguese and keywords in Portuguese must be in the first page, along with the abstract in English and keywords in English. The second cover must have the same
information; however, the identity of the author(s), affiliation and address must be omitted. A bilingual table of content (bibliography included), in Portuguese and English (or the original language) must precede the text.


4. Resumo/Abstract: The abstract must have a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 250 words in Portuguese/English, in Times New Roman, size 11, single spacing and justified paragraph. Keywords must be in the last line. To standardize the keywords, we request the use of the Thesaurus in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). The desired number of keywords is a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5, representing the content of the paper. Follow the ABNT – NBR 6028, 1987.


5. Acknowledgments: Credits must be at the end of the article, after the final considerations.


6. Notes and references: Notes and references must be in footnotes, inserted in the body of paper, indicated in superscript Arabic numbers, immediately after the sentence to which they relate, and restricted to a minimum. Notes and references must be at the foot of the page they are inserted. The system author/date with explanatory notes is also accepted.


7. Graphic materials: Colour photographs will not be published, except in cases of absolute necessity and at the discretion of the Editorial Board. The illustrations (charts, tables, drawings, etc.) must be limited to a minimum. If it is necessary to include one of these items, the author must send a hard copy and a scanned copy in a separate file. Pictures must be sent as a separate file in the size to be used, in high resolution (300 dpi) and the extension files .jpg, .tif, .eps, a Photoshop files (.psd), vector format CorelDRAW (.cdr) and Adobe Illustrator (.ai) are accepted. Tables and charts must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Captions must be placed at the top of the illustrations in the format: Times New Roman, size 11, bold, centred paragraph. Captions must be short and concise and the sources must be indicated. The tables should follow the Tabular Presentation Standards, established by the Conselho Nacional de Estatística, published by IBGE, in 1979. When illustrations are mentioned in the text, Arabic numerals must be used.


8. References: References should include citations in the text only. References at the end of the paper must be organized and presented in alphabetical order, starting with the first author’s surname. References must comply with ABNT 2002, in particular the NBR 6023, considering the following:


Book of a single author:

FRANCO, Vera Helena Mello. Manual de Direito Comercial. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2003.


Book with more than three authors:

SOBESTIANSKY, J. et al. Suinocultura intensiva: produção, manejo, e saúde do rebanho. Concórdia: EMBRAPA: CNPSA, 1998.


Book chapters:

MARIANI, Bethânia. Os primórdios da imprensa no Brasil: ou de como o discurso político constrói a memória. In: ORLANDI, Eni Puccinelli (Org.) Discurso fundador: a formação do País e a construção da identidade nacional. 2. ed. Campinas: Pontes, 2001, p. 31-42.


Dissertations and theses:

BERNARDI, Pedro Antônio. A comunicação na gestão de instituições de ensino superior. Curitiba, 1995. 129 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE JORNALISMO EMPRESARIAL, ASSESSORIA DE IMPRENSA E RELAÇÕES PÚBLICAS, 5., São Paulo, 2002, Anais… São Paulo: USP, 2002.


Papers presented in Congresses:

QUIROGA, Sérgio Ricardo. Ciência, e incertidubles: dilemas de la divulgacioón científica latinoamericana. In: CONGRESSO DE JORNALISMO IBEROAMERICANO, 7., Campo Grande, 2001. Anais… Campo Grande: Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, 2001.


Articles published in journal:

AREU, Graciela Inês Presas. El modelo normativo: Habermas; “…una espina em el costado de la realidad social. Revista de Estudos da Comunicação, Curitiba, v. 2, n. 5, p. 17-26, mar. 2002.


Articles from the Internet:

LOPES, Ilza Leite. Estratégia de busca na recuperação da informação: revisão de literatura.

Ci. Inf. Brasília, v. 31, n. 2, 2002, Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 5 abr. 2002.




• It is the magazine’s criteria the selection of items that will make up the volume, without any obligation to publish them, except those selected by peers as revised norms.

• In no event copyright will be payable by published articles.

• Items must necessarily be suited to our publishing standards. Authors authorize the Editorial Team to make the adjustments techniques for the enhancement of the article that will be published.

• In the reported scientific research that are conditional on the approval of the Ethics Committee, Authors are responsible for obtaining it before sending the article to the magazine.


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