20 de julho de 2016



The Brazilian Journal of Studies of Public Function (RBEFP), created and conducted by the Brazilian Institute for Studies of Public Function (IBEFP), aims to establish and consolidate a privileged space for discussion and transdisciplinar reflection on the themes of public function.

Faced with the urgente need to further elaborate the debate and theoretical construction, the journal has been formatted in an innovative way to enable the various practical solutions claimed by the reality of Brazilian public function. This new format combines articles, opinions, comments on court decisions and reviews, and includes domestic production as well as the contribution of academics worldwide.

The proposal is founded on the pionering initiative of the Brazilian Institute for Studies of Public Function and is supported by the excellence of its Editorial Board, which will certainly offer, at the same time, valuable material for academic studies and essential support for the daily work of public agents.



Florivaldo Dutra de Araújo (UFMG)

José Roberto Pimenta Oliveira (PUC-SP)

Luisa Cristina Pinto and Netto (PUC Minas)

Marcos de Lima Porta (PUC-SP)


Printed INSS: 2238-2763

Digital INSS: 2238-6734

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